This past weekend was our second New Orleans/Southern Louisiana Fall Retreat. It was probably the most amazing fall retreats I've ever been a part of! On Saturday morning we had this wonderful guided prayer time put together by one of our staff. Students went to different stations all over the camp to spend time with the Lord. I decided to go out and sit at the picnic tables in the middle of the camp. Here's what I wrote in my journal....
I'm sitting here at the camp on this perfect fall day looking out at the students - watching the two Matt's as they sit on the hill under the shadow of the cross. I have no idea what they are discussing as they sit there but it's such a picture of man brand new on his journey with Christ - one man barely a few steps down the road. They sit there together and I think, this is the perfect picture of this life that they have now entered. The cross - it stands behind them - beside it they look small. It's shadow falls on the hill in front of them. I pray that they will be men who always live in the shadow of the cross - knowing that it's always about a relationship given through sacrifice. I pray that the cross will never become small or marginalized, or even just a symbol in their lives.....that they will know every day how desperately they need that cross - that life will be about the one who gave Himself for them. I also love that they sit in the shadow of the cross together. Our journey is not alone - we walk the road together. I hope that they will be men who will walk this road together for the rest of their lives....that their relationships will be significant.....that they will see that this journey is lived in community.
I think that for the first time this weekend, I started to grasp a little of the passion that Paul had when he would pray for his churches - for the people who were left behind to minister. I want so much for these students - I want them to not settle for "normal Christianity". I want them to live the adventure - to courageously embark on the journey. I don't want them to settle for a life that is small or normal - but to beg God to give them everything he has for them - to live lives that are extraordinary because they live lives in the shadow of the cross. I want them to be the men and women who don't compromise - who take God at His Word - who believe His goodness and who live radical lives. I want that so much that my heart aches for them. I believe that they were created for so much - I read the book of Acts - how ordinary men and women lived lives that were eternally they changed the world. I really believe that this group of students can be the ones to change their world.
I know that they are all home now - some cramming for tests that they have this week, some hanging out with friends, some going to organization meetings and some collapsing from exhaustion. Life is pulling them back in....but hopefully they are not the same - hopefully they have walked a little further down the path and gotten a better taste of the life that they were meant to live. Hopefully they understand more that their story is God's story and there's a great story still to be written through them.