I've worked in Christian ministry for almost 9 years now. In our organization, we are allowed to set aside one day a month for a "day with the Lord". I've never really understood the point of a "day with the Lord"....it has always just seemed like a waste of a day to be honest. I either feel this incredible pressure to accomplish something super-spiritual that day or I'm incredibly distracted by all of the things that I am not doing because I'm taking a "day with the Lord". My whole perspective changed on Thursday.
Okay, I'll be honest, it started because I joined a gym and I had an appointment with a trainer scheduled for Thursday morning so I thought - "why not take the day off"? Then even better - "take a day with the Lord". Ironically the appointment with the trainer got rescheduled and I proceeded with my day with the Lord.
I feel like for the last 5 weeks I've been one of those little rats on a treadmill....I'm running as hard as I can, doing as much as I can but I have no idea where I'm going or how to get off. On Monday I had a major meltdown over some lost keys. Tuesday was a great trip to Lafayette, LA but at the end of the day I wasn't sure I would make it to Thursday. On Wednesday I made a commitment to my team that I was going to "unplug" for the day - turn off my cell phone and my computer! So Wednesday night, I took off my watch, shut down the computer and put away the cell phone. The next day I slept until 11:00 - I couldn't believe it! I haven't slept until 11:00 on a Thursday.....well - ever. I barely sleep until 8:00 on a Saturday.
So at 11:00 I rolled out of bed, made my coffee and plopped down on my couch. The only desire I had for the day was to meet with the Lord. The next four hours flew by - I couldn't believe it. I started to again experience the Lord's pleasure in me - not in my activity but in me as a beloved daughter. The Bible came alive - prayer was easy....it naturally and passionately flowed. At the end of the day I felt refreshed and focused - ready to live mission, not do ministry!
Even now, two days later I feel so much more centered on God. I think this is what Jesus means when he says, "Come to me all who are weary and heavy-laden and I will give you rest for your souls.".
This is my official admonition to everyone who claims to be a follower of Christ - who wants their life to be an influence - take a day.....take a week if you need it! (Just don't tell HR that I've been skipping my days with the Lord).
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