Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Movements for Everyone

Today our entire staff team went to Southeastern for a day of prayer and Solarium. It was so encouraging to hear from the students all the things that are happening on their campus (this is a campus that is an hour away, so they do everything). God has really been at work in their midst.

As we were wrapping up the day, one of the freshmen girls came and sat with me. She started to tell me that she's in a sorority - always thinking ahead I asked her if she had considered leading a bible study in her sorority. To that question she replied - "I have, I mean there's not really a movement reaching out to them". That answer blew me away. Here's a freshmen gal who understands that not everyone is just going to come to CRU - that she can be a part of bringing a movement to the campus!

I love working with the catalytic style of ministry for this reason - yes at times it's messy but every student, every campus - we really believe that!

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