For almost a year I've known something wasn't quiet right in my job. I really believe in our mission - I believe in reaching college students....none of that has changed but after being in my job for almost five years I've realized that much of what I do isn't a good fit for me. I like to start things not grow things. I like to work on projects that move the mission forward and I like to be a part of taking a big vision and putting into action. Some one told me a few months ago that I'd probably make a good CEO.
Not long after the CEO conversation, Joe Cross offered me a job working with the Mexico Focus. I'll be honest, Mexico? Leave my beloved New Orleans for Mexico? It's not exotic, it's a place that I ever thought I would be. I even remember Craig Johring telling me that he was moving to Mexico a few years ago - I thought "good for him but there's NO WAY I'd ever do that".
As it turns out, I really need to stop having these "there's NO WAY converations" with myself. After taking the season of Lent to really seek the Lord and pray, I've accepted the job with Enfoque Mexico. I'll be serving on the leadership team working with the major events next year and doing a handful of other things. It's a totally different path than I ever thought I would walk down....but when it comes down to it I'm tremendously excited about the job - about the opportunity to work alongside men who are so full of faith and believing God to transform the world's second largest city. I'm excited to try some of these gifts that I'm discovering and walk a totally different path. I'm excited to see how the Lord will provide as I walk this path.
I move into this job with great excitement but also will leave with much mourning. New Orleans has changed my entire life. I understand the gospel in ways that I never before understood it. I understand what it means to move toward the pain.....to live in the mess. I understand that life is full of brokenness and celebration....that we are called to live in the tension. New Orleans became a part of me and it is with great sadness that I will leave. It's not just the city - it's the friendships and the community. In many ways the last two years have been a dream - great community, great team relationships, great ministry, great food, great culture. Slowing down to make the decision has allowed me to feel the pain of the loss as well as the excitement of what is to come.
So I'm sitting here in Mexico City - still not quiet believing that I'm moving here....knowing that this is going to take me way out of my comfort zone - new job, new culture, new city, new language, new team. I'm not sure where this path in Mexico will lead but I know that New Orleans was a key part of the journey to take me there.