Thursday, February 21, 2008

Divine Appointments Part Two

After my little trip to Northwestern, I headed up to Ruston, LA. Shekinah and Chris had given us some contacts there. I also was connected with a pastor at the church from my days in Dallas. Bill and Stacy Prescott are working with Bridges (the international student ministry of Campus Crusade) and they graciously opened their home to me. Bill spent the day with me on Friday. Our first stop was the church office to meet with the pastor. As we walked in Bill asked me, "what's the plan". I replied, "I have no idea, we're just going to see what God is doing".

It was so great to reconnect with James. He is a pastor that has great vision for reaching out to his community! He really desires to mobilize students that are coming to his worship services to go back and reach their campuses. I'm excited to see what God might do through this church.

An hour later we headed over to campus to meet up with three students. There are some amazing churches that are building into students on the campus and those students are involved in one of those churches, but every student said "nothing is really going into the campus and intentionally trying to make Christ known". I could sense that longing in their hearts. They want to reach out to the places that God has them and they are exactly the kind of students we are looking for! I quickly discovered that Melanie was a sorority sister (I didn't even know they had Sigma Kappa at LA Tech). She invited me to join her for lunch with the house chaplain. As we talked, it was clear that they both really want to see God move in the Greek system. Melanie's story amazed me. God took her to another country last summer and all she could think about was her sorority. He has raised her up to make an impact on the Greek system at LA Tech!

Later she took me over to the Sigma Kappa house and we snapped a quick picture in front of the letters!

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